couples therapy
In sessions with individuals and couples, I create places where clients feel safe to find their truth, feel heard, connect with their body, learn healthy boundaries, embodied consent and with curiosity can explore and cultivate intimate connection with themselves or another.

Sex Therapy
In sessions with individuals and couples, I create places where clients feel safe to connect with their body, learn healthy boundaries, embodied consent and with curiosity can explore and cultivate their sexual self. I educate clients on how their body works and more ways to enjoy it.
​Unlike standard counselling or sex therapy, this work involves somatic practices to support clients more deeply. Building connection with the body and hearing it's wisdom leads to greater levels of pleasure and sexual experiences.
relationship counselling

I am dedicated to assisting people to live in connection with themselves and their loved ones by empowering them with tools and healthy strategies to resolve conflict, better understand their own needs, improve communication and gain clarity on how each person contributes to the relationship.
​I regularly witnesses the flow on effect this has on other areas of people lives including lower stress levels, better sleep, feeling happier and more connected to themselves and others